Should You Convert From Oil To Gas Heating?
If your oil-burning furnace is beginning to show signs of wear and needs replacing, then you might want to switch to a different kind of heating system. Natural gas and propane are popular and easily available ways to heat your home. Most homes can convert from oil to gas with only a moderate expense, especially if there's a readily available gas line near your home. If your oil furnace is failing, here are some reasons why you should consider converting to gas rather than keep using oil.
More Economical
Depending on the market, those who use natural gas have substantially lower bills compared to oil users. Even propane usually has lower fuel costs than oil. Of course the price of energy fluctuates, so it's difficult to predict what your long-term savings will be, but oil is generally more costly.
Better for the Environment
Gas has less carbon dioxide emissions than oil and, while both are fossil fuels, this gives gas an edge when it comes to environmental friendliness. In terms of availability and environmental damage from extraction, they are both about equal. However, most natural gas used to heat homes comes from the United States while oil may need to be shipped from overseas.
Increase in Efficiency
You will get an increase in efficiency any time you upgrade and modernize your system whether you use gas or oil. However, with natural gas, your fuel line is connected directly to your utility, and you won't need a bulky tank that needs to be filled with oil that is trucked to your home. For maximum efficiency, check the gas furnace's energy rating before purchasing.
Less Maintenance
While oil tanks are regularly maintained as part of your service with the oil company, they generally need more cleaning and filter changes. Allowing soot to build up can not only cause damage to your system, but it can also decrease its efficiency. Gas heating rarely requires any maintenance, usually only a yearly checkup and adjustment at the start of the cold season.
Changing from oil to gas isn't the right choice for everyone, but for most people, it can potentially save them some money. Another thing to consider is that converting to gas will increase your home's value and appeal if you want to sell it. However, to take advantage of this possible increase in home value, you must also remove your old oil tank. Old, rusty tanks are an environmental hazard as well. If you have converted to a gas system, but still have your old oil tank, call an oil tank removal company, such as A & A Oil Recovery Co, to have it taken away.